Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Thanks for C'ville

In the spirit of the holiday, here are some things around C'ville that I am thankful for:
- JR at Outback: perhaps the sweetest person you could ever meet, and a darn incredible server
- Blazin sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings: hurts so good!
- Incredible terrain to train me for any foot race
- White House/Black Market: yeah, it may be a chain store, but man do they have awesome clothes
- our SPCA being a no-kill facility
- the Lawn
- an amazing amount of wineries with top quality wines
- people watching on the Downtown Mall
- and the fighter we have in David Tascano

Of course, I am thankful for things not specifically C'ville, like my family, friends, pets, and job.  It's just always good to remember how great it is here, even when the cold starts setting in, and I feel like moving south.

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! - XOXO  Angie

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