When I started this, I truly wanted to update it everyday, because there really is something to do everyday of the week in this "World Class City." However, I had to leave lovely C'ville over the weekend and blah, blah, blah, excuse, excuse, excuse...couldn't update. This week, however, is proving to be 'the bomb,' and it all started last night. I joined my friend Tracy for her early birthday dinner. Then, it was on to Starr Hill. I had never seen Carbon Leaf in concert before, but I will be at all of their shows from now on! Wow! Why aren't these guys uber-famous already!? It always amazes me when crap bands make it big, and really talented ones don't. There's still time for Carbon Leaf, though, so keep your fingers crossed. (By the way, I did vote yesterday and hope you did, too.) Coming up: Edwin McCain on Thursday. I can't wait!--A
# posted by Angie @ 6:28 AM