Monday, December 18, 2006
Merry Vegas, Baby!

What better way to kick off the holiday season than to blow a bunch of money at the blackjack tables in Vegas! Actually, I had a very good reason to leave hip C'ville and head to BFF's 40th birthday party. I wouldn't have missed it for the world...the Real World to be exact, as his party was in the Real World suite at The Palms. After a night at the Palms, it was over to the Hard Rock Hotel to lose some more money. <-This is the view of the strip from our Hard Rock room. This coming week is going to be uber-holiday busy, as I catch up with friends and family. I'll be doing a lot of restaurant visits, including my first Ten visit. So, keep checking back this week for my restaurant reviews! - A
(My friends Jason, Glenn, and Dan (the birthday boy))