Howard Jones is coming to Charlottesville!?!?!?! While most C'villians are searching Ebay for Justin or Billy Joel tickets, I have found out that one of the most brilliant electronic/punk/pop artists of the 80s and 90s is coming to our little Village. The site is Gravity Lounge and the date is January 15th. I am so there! I still have "Like to Get To Know You Well" in my 'running playlist' on my mp3 player and I sing "Life In One Day" anytime I'm feeling down. Who cares if he is 102 years old now. It may sound corny, but this man has touched my life and still does with his incredible music. You are invited to join me and can find out more info at 977-5590. Get your tickets today!...okay, not today, because I don't have mine yet and I don't want it to sell out before I do. Get your tickets tomorrow! - APS-dinner with friends and restaurant reviews coming tomorrow.
# posted by Angie @ 11:59 AM