Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I Philly You?

I'm back from the Philly/Atlantic City trip, and it only took me 3 days to thaw out! Seriously, it cannot be healthy to walk around in 28 degree weather with the wind whipping right through you with only a leather jacket on. (over our clothes, of course) I know those Phillians were looking at us thinking 'stupid Southerners.' Might I suggest that if you are planning a trip to the Liberty Bell that you wait until Summer. But whenever you go, it is worth the trip. You need more than a day there to take in all of the incredible history, though. My initial thought was 'run the Rocky steps and leave,' but once there, I was amazed at how much culture, history, and beauty this city held. I will have to go back to take it all the Summer, of course.

Then it was off to Atlantic City with Steve, Todd, Tracy, and a camera with no extra batteries. While I don't usually think pics of AC are all that great, the snow on the beach was a pretty sight and would have been nice to post here. Lesson learned. Typical AC trip...lost money...ate...lost some more money...had fun with friends...lost all my money...ate with borrowed money...the end. Now back to fun stuff in Cville!... - A

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