When I had heard months ago that there was going to be a new Jazz/Blues place opening up in Charlottesville, I was thrilled. I love jazz, and who doesn't get the blues every once in a while. So, when I received an invitation to go the the Sneak Preview night at Saxx, there was nothing that could keep me away. The invitation said that it was at 8pm. Being the fashionably late hipster that I am, I pulled in front of the joint on Monticello Road at about 8:30 and noticed that it was very dark. Was it even open? I didn't see anyone going in and began to think that maybe the invitation was a joke. I convinced myself to at least try the door, and sure enough, it was open. The band was doing the sound check and the tables were starting to fill up. The atmosphere reminded me of a basement jazz place you would find on Bourbon Street in Nawlins...dark, semi-serious, and very romantic. A low-talker greeted us, which gave the idea that talk should be at a minimum during the performance. Christina Lyon was the vocalist for the evening, backed up by some very talented musicians including Vernon Fischer, whose name you may recognize. While the menu left a little to be desired, the music and atmosphere was gritty, relaxing, and exactly what I would want from a jazz/blues place. Before leaving I tried to get the hours of operation and such to pass on, but couldn't find my low-talker host. As soon as I get that info, I will leave it here...in a very low voice. - A
# posted by Angie @ 12:50 PM