Thursday, March 01, 2007
So long Cville - Hello Margaritaville!

As I mentioned previously, I have not been as hip as usual since I have been saving money for vacation. (Money=going out, Going out=hip, so by the transitive property Money=hip.) Well, the time has finally come...I am leaving tonight for beautiful Key West. If you have never been, it truly is a lot like Charlottesville. There is one main street/area (Duval Street) where all the cool restaurants and hangouts are, kinda like our downtown mall. It is a very diverse and tolerant community, like ours, and people there like to have a good time (a la Cville). It does feel like a second home to me...but without the job and responsibility. I hope to post some pics from "Cville of the South" while I'm there, so please check back. In the meantime...
I received an e-mail from Mike, a student at UVA, who wanted you and I to know about a cool new service that allows students and townies to connect to fulfill household employment needs (i.e. babysitting, pet care, etc.). So, if Fifi needs a bath, and you just don't have the time, you will want to check out Just one more thing that makes Cville so great!
Well, I'm off! I'll miss you while I'm gone, but hopefully I will drink enough to not care. Keep checking back for pics of the craziness. - A