Sunday, March 11, 2007
Wastin' Away Again

Well, I'm back from Key West...physically that is, not mentally. That place affects you. No one is in a hurry, and everyone is happy. I can actually say that Key West may just be a bit hipper than Charlottesville. Uh oh, did I just write that?! Again, mentally I am still there, so ignore that statement. I'm sure that after I get back to work and hit some Charlottesville hot spots that I'll be as good as new. I will definitely be giving you some C'ville updates this week after my head clears. In the meantime, let me explain this photo. This is the whole gang in front of the Mile Marker 0 sign. Basically, this signifies the end of Route 1, which takes you to the end of the east side of the Continental United States. (literally, it's the end of the road.) Pictured from left to right are: Dan (best friend from college/today and all around super guy), Jason (great friend and soon-to-be screenwriting partner), Steve (he's the one squatting, my man and someone I couldn't live without), Regan (standing behind me, probably the one ex-boss that I could call and say 'come to Key West' and he would...he's just that cool), me (boring), Jill (great friend and best bartender at Lazy Parrot), Brad (Steve's brother and one of the funniest guys I know), and Kelly (Brad's wife and the best karaoke singer ever). For all of you Parrotheads out there, you will notice that the "Adopt-A-Highway" sign above us is sponsored by the Southernmost Parrot Head Club. Don't lose your shaker of salt on this road, or they'll have to clean it up. I would have included another picture of the Southernmost Point buoy, but they have totally ruined it by placing mannequins there. I don't know what they were thinking. I had to deduct a hip point for that faux pas from Key West's score. Wanna know more about the Key West adventure or where to go when traveling there? You can hit up or e-mail me. I'm off to change my attitude, cause my latitude has definitely been altered. - A