Monday, May 07, 2007


Not Exactly A Harley

Have you ever had that feeling that you were going to win something? You know, like when you buy a lottery ticket or enter some type of contest and just have a feeling that you were going to walk away with a prize. That was the feeling I had on Friday. I had bought raffle tickets to benefit Computers4Kids and the drawings were held at Fridays After Five this past Friday. I had one ticket for the Harley-Davidson drawing and one for Pittsburgh Steelers' tickets, and I just knew one of them was mine. Well, those 2 drawings went by and "Angie" wasn't announced once. Then, there were door prizes, one of them being a trip to Aruba. My hopes once again soared, as I know that my feeling could not be incorrect. Two other door prizes were going to be given away before the trip. Mac McDonald announced that the first door prize was a portrait at Gitchell's studio. Wouldn't you know name was drawn for that! Now don't get me wrong, it is a nice prize and Jim Carpenter does amazing work, but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. Unfortunately, the guy who won the Harley didn't want to trade, so I will soon have a very nice, expensive portrait to post here.

After a disappointing Friday, I was looking forward to the bachelorette party for a friend of mine Saturday night. She was having it at Wild Wing Cafe, and I thought that all kinds of rowdyness would ensue. Well, that doesn't really happen when you have moms, aunts, and children there. Turns out, I misunderstood the message and it was a bridal shower, not a bachelorette party. Once I found this out, I made the bride-to-be wait until most of the party was gone to open my gift, as it was totally bachelorette oriented. We stuck around to see the De La Hoya/Maywether fight. (I totally predicted the outcome...Maywether wins by decision...De La Hoya was a few months they will have another match to make more business.) The Wing was packed, and with all of those guys in there, would you believe that not one of them bought the bride-to-be a drink! I guess their wives' would be proud.

Sunday was a trip to Martinsville to visit mom for an early Mother's Day. (I will be out of town this coming Sunday.) So, today, I am playing catch up with everything I was supposed to get done over the weekend. Coming up this week, I will have another restaurant review and details about another out of town trip, hopefully my last one for a while. So how was your weekend? - A

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