Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ca va?

The 'restoration' on the Downtown Mall sucks. I'm sure it's needed and in the long run will make our fair pedestrian walkway a better place for mankind, but right now, it's a pain. Traffic is slower. Entrances to the businesses are blocked or altered in some way. Frankly, it's tough to get around. And you would think parking would be free in the garages to convince people to visit the stores, restaurants, and galleries which are suffering from not only the economy, but the restoration, too, wouldn't you? I guess the two hour validation, if you can find a store with it, makes it all worth while. Don't get me wrong, I want us all to support the local business downtown. I'm just saying, it is pretty difficult when you can't get to them. But being a person of extreme determination and diligence, I have ventured onto the Downtown Mall twice in the last two days. And let me just say, it was kinda worth it.
Last night, Steve and I decided to do a progressive anniversary dinner downtown. We started at Siips, the wine bar. While it was a nice enough night to sit outside, alas, the construction had taken over all of Siips outdoor seating. We were just visiting for a glass of wine and an appetizer anyway, so we decided to sit at the bar. Luckily, we were able to take advantage of their '30% off glasses of wine from bottles opened last night' special. I also joined their 'club' which gives me a discount on some of their events and wines, and membership is free. Love free. Wine and bruschetta was great. On to the next restaurant.
We then decided to try a place a block off the mall that neither of us had been to before, Cassis. Luckily, we happened upon this eatery on 'half-price bottle of wine night.' (It happens every Wednesday there, so mark it on your calendar.) Our server was great with the recommendations for wine and for dinner. Steve ordered the flank steak, and I had the tuna. Both dishes were delicious. So much so, that we both cleaned our plates. I blame Cassis for not allowing us to finish our progressive dinner, because we were too full to make a dessert stop.
Then, today, I met two good friends, Mary and Rebecca, at Eppie's for lunch. Traffic was slow, no street parking, blah, blah, blah. Done with complaining. I was an Eppie's virgin, but was excited about the wonderful menu. I ordered the curry chicken salad. If you like a lot of curry with very little recognizable chicken, then this is for you. If not, then you, like I, will order something different if I ever go back. The company was excellent, however, and it was great to catch up with two of my fav C'ville folks. Eppie's doesn't validate, so it was $4 to get out of the Market St. garage. (Hold your tongue, Angie.)
But tonight, it is all about basketball. Right now Clemson is losing. American is beating Villanova. There is a fire in the fireplace. I just had an amazing salad. The company of Steve and my cats is great. And parking was free in front of my house. Wake me up when construction downtown ends.


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