When I first made plans to meet my friend JoAnne at the Horse & Hound, I thought this entry would just be about the wonderful food and service at the GastroPub. And I will get to that, but this brunch turned out to be so much more. I'll explain. First off, I love the atmosphere at the Horse & Hound and can't wait to enjoy its outdoor patio when the weather is more agreeable. But even inside, you get the feeling of being at a pub in England or Ireland. It's a 'comfy' feeling. We were greeted by Ceril (I'm sure I am spelling this incorrectly), our server, who had a lovely Irish accent. He couldn't have been more pleasant. The food on the menu looked delicious, but the 'specials' board caught our eye...eggs benedict with crabcakes and king crab omelettes. We were sold. We tried each and both were 'out of this world' delicious. At one point, the owner, Brooke, came to the table to ask if we enjoyed our meal. We said 'yes,' apologized for licking the plates, and struck up a conversation. During our conversation with Brooke, two of the most dear people in the world, Pat and Jane, walked in the door. I don't see them very often, but when I do I am reminded of how great it is to know that people like them still exist in the world. They are fun, good-hearted, and just down-right kind. Then, it hit me why I love C'ville so much. It surely isn't because of the sleet and snow that was coming down. I'm a warm weather girl. But JoAnne and I discussed how you wouldn't get what we have here somewhere else. The owner of a restaurant taking time to chat for a bit. Going to a restaurant and knowing that you will bump into someone that you really wish you saw more of. Experiencing a bit of Ireland without having to leave our small city. The good food was just a bonus. Brooke reminded me before I left that they have a great lunch and dinner menu, too. Check them out at http://www.horseandhoundgastropub.com.
Also, this weekend I went to see Madea Goes to Jail. An hour and 45 minutes that I will never get back.
Have a great Monday! - A
# posted by Angie @ 9:24 AM