Friday, March 30, 2007
Upcoming Cool C'ville Events
April:6th - Revolutionary Comedy - A comedy show to benefit the Shelter For Help in Emergency at Revolutionary Soup (108 Second St. SW) - Admission is $10 and doors open at 8pm. Go heckle my friend Erik!
14th - SARA Gala - Silent auction, music, and such to benefit the Sexual Assault Resource Agency at the Old Live Arts building. Tickets are $65/person. Info and tickets can be purchased at the SARA office at the corner of Little High Street and 11th Street across from Martha Jeff, or by calling 434-295-7273.
Hope to see you at one of these great and helpful events:) - A
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Pictures, Y'all
Thanks so much to Dave for the photos from the big bash. I have way more, but thought you might get bored with too many pictures of me dancing or drinking from a "Hot Stuff" mug.
In other news, Melis, Tracy, and I visited Zydeco last night and had one heck of a time. I ordered the crab and crawfish cakes, which were good, but I should've stuck with the etouffee. I always try to branch out and when I do, I always wish I had ordered 'old faithful.' Lesson learned. We had the sweetest server named Jennifer. She put up with us 3 old broads for way too long. For that, we are grateful. I hope to hit somewhere new this week. So keep checking back. Who knows...I might just post that NSFW photo from the big bash. (I've got you hooked now, huh?!) - A
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
You Say It's Your Birthday...
so where the heck are the pictures?!!! The big birthday bash was this past Saturday night, and I have no pictures to show. This is probably a good thing, because after a few 'adult beverages' my face starts looking like that creature in Land of the Lost. (Remember that show? Fierce.) I did want to send out thanks to all who attended. We raised a bunch of money for the SPCA and Caring for Creatures and had a great time doing it. Special thanks to Northern Exposure, J.W. Sieg, Nut Flush Entertainment, Rick Haggard's Classic Trax, and to my hubby, who planned the craziness. My month-long birthday is now over, well, except for my birthday dinner tonight with the girls and another birthday dinner in April. Oh, and my parents want to do something for me in April, too. And my trip to Jazz Fest at the end of April is supposed to be a joint birthday celebration with my friend Glenn. Okay, by November it'll be over, hopefully. - A
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Upcoming Cool C'ville Events
March:now-25th: VA Festival of the Book - for all of you people out there that I call 'readers,' this one's for you. There are over 200 free events at various locations. Find info at
23rd: Journey into Spring with Journey:South Africa - This FRIDAY March 23, Journey into FLIRT (on the corner at 14th St.) for skivvies and 15% of your purchase will go to Journey South Africa- a UVA student group inspired by Dan Eldon. JSA promotes youth activism and is raising money to build a well in impoverished rural South Africa. There will also be margarita specials at Amigos across the street.
31st: Charlottesville 10-miler - Amazingly, there is still space available in this typically sold out footrace, which takes you through a great tour of our fair city. This year's race benefits Piedmont CASA. Find info at
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry...

for tomorrow we do it all over again! I'm back from a crazy family emergency weekend to report on my Thursday night excursion. It started at dinner with my friend Rosey who had never been to Shebeen before. Shebeen's menu reflects a South African vibe with Peri Peri this and Peri Peri that. Ro and I decided we would try the appetizer sampler for a little bit of Peri Peri everything. Wings, mushrooms, chicken skewers, beef pastry...all delish. We were quite full after this, so we only ordered salads for dinner with salmon and shrimp on top. This is where the slight problem started. People around us who had ordered after us were getting their meals way before us...and we only ordered salads! Okay, so the salmon might take a while to cook. Our wonderful waiter, Justin, kept checking on us and apologizing for the delay. When the food did come, the shrimp and salmon were cold. They are cooked items, correct? Once we told Justin, he was the ultimate in kind and professional. He brought us more, lots more, shrimp and salmon and offered us dessert. I do believe this was an isolated event, since everyone around us didn't seem to have any problems. (Maybe it's just me. I seemed to be cursed these days.) You should definitely try it, if you haven't. The food is great. Just make sure to ask for Justin!
Then, it was on to the Scandalous event at Satellite Ballroom to benefit the Music Resource Center. Mike Alexander was the mastermind behind this fun event, which celebrated the coming concert of Justin Timberlake with lots of Justin videos, a dance contest, and special drinks named in honor of the Sexyback singer. While the rain did keep some people away, we had a great crowd. The DJ and lighting guys were great. The only way the event could have been more fun was if the dance troop from UVA hadn't been there. They were great dancers, but they were so good that I feel they intimidated some of the other 'non-professional' dancers and kept them from dancing and entering the dance contest. Otherwise, another great event by Mr. Alexander, and another charity has a little dough in its pockets.
Coming up soon: my birthday bash coverage! If you know me, then you already should have an invite. If you don't know me, but would like to get to know me, then e-mail me for an invite. (e-mail can be found in the left-hand column). Eat, drink, and be merry! - A
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Madness Indeed
I am finally back mentally from Key West and ready to light up Charlottesville! Wait...what's this...the big tourney starts tomorrow? Seriously? There are 3 brackets in my e-mail, and I have to fill them out before tomorrow morning at 9am? My head is starting to hurt. Other than the ACC, I can honestly say I have no idea what teams are good, bad, Cinderella teams, Mickey Mouse teams...okay, that last one doesn't exist. But if it did, I wouldn't know what teams fell in that category! So, it is 'flip a coin' time, except in one division. This year, I am picking UVA to go all the way. You read that right...ALL THE WAY. Why, you may ask? Well, for one, it's easy. I am still tired from my trip and don't feel like thinking too much. Secondly, I really think they will do well. Thirdly, every other year I have followed the 'rankings' and such and sucked at my picks. So, why not go against the grain?! Who knows...I may just bust this whole thing wide open!!! (Disclaimer: Angie's views are not to be used for wagers, as her odds of being right are about as good as UVA winning the championship) - A
Monday, March 12, 2007
Upcoming Cool C'ville Events
Thursday, March 15th:Satellite Ballroom - Scandalous is an event celebrating Justin Timberlake's upcoming performance at JPJA. It starts at 9pm and is $12 at the door. Dance to Justin tunes, as well as some other great artists. All proceeds benefit the Music Resource Center.
Saturday, March 17th:Wild Wing Cafe - Happy St. Patty's Day! (Like I need to be celebrating any more after my Key West trip!) Wild Wing will be having Irish spirits, a DJ, and a chance for you to win a 'last minute' pair of Justin tickets!
Hope to see you at one of these! - A
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Wastin' Away Again

Well, I'm back from Key West...physically that is, not mentally. That place affects you. No one is in a hurry, and everyone is happy. I can actually say that Key West may just be a bit hipper than Charlottesville. Uh oh, did I just write that?! Again, mentally I am still there, so ignore that statement. I'm sure that after I get back to work and hit some Charlottesville hot spots that I'll be as good as new. I will definitely be giving you some C'ville updates this week after my head clears. In the meantime, let me explain this photo. This is the whole gang in front of the Mile Marker 0 sign. Basically, this signifies the end of Route 1, which takes you to the end of the east side of the Continental United States. (literally, it's the end of the road.) Pictured from left to right are: Dan (best friend from college/today and all around super guy), Jason (great friend and soon-to-be screenwriting partner), Steve (he's the one squatting, my man and someone I couldn't live without), Regan (standing behind me, probably the one ex-boss that I could call and say 'come to Key West' and he would...he's just that cool), me (boring), Jill (great friend and best bartender at Lazy Parrot), Brad (Steve's brother and one of the funniest guys I know), and Kelly (Brad's wife and the best karaoke singer ever). For all of you Parrotheads out there, you will notice that the "Adopt-A-Highway" sign above us is sponsored by the Southernmost Parrot Head Club. Don't lose your shaker of salt on this road, or they'll have to clean it up. I would have included another picture of the Southernmost Point buoy, but they have totally ruined it by placing mannequins there. I don't know what they were thinking. I had to deduct a hip point for that faux pas from Key West's score. Wanna know more about the Key West adventure or where to go when traveling there? You can hit up or
e-mail me. I'm off to change my attitude, cause my latitude has definitely been altered. - A
Thursday, March 01, 2007
So long Cville - Hello Margaritaville!

As I mentioned previously, I have not been as hip as usual since I have been saving money for vacation. (Money=going out, Going out=hip, so by the transitive property Money=hip.) Well, the time has finally come...I am leaving tonight for beautiful Key West. If you have never been, it truly is a lot like Charlottesville. There is one main street/area (Duval Street) where all the cool restaurants and hangouts are, kinda like our downtown mall. It is a very diverse and tolerant community, like ours, and people there like to have a good time (a la Cville). It does feel like a second home to me...but without the job and responsibility. I hope to post some pics from "Cville of the South" while I'm there, so please check back. In the meantime...
I received an e-mail from Mike, a student at UVA, who wanted you and I to know about a cool new service that allows students and townies to connect to fulfill household employment needs (i.e. babysitting, pet care, etc.). So, if Fifi needs a bath, and you just don't have the time, you will want to check out Just one more thing that makes Cville so great!
Well, I'm off! I'll miss you while I'm gone, but hopefully I will drink enough to not care. Keep checking back for pics of the craziness. - A